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Here you will find information on current topics of Brook Valley, the industry and article to cultural sponsorship.

Concert for humanity

Concert for humanity

Under the patronage of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the DRK-Düsseldorf is organizing a major charity concert in the Düsseldorf Tonhalle on 1 October 2024 at 20:00 under the title “Concert for Humanity” presented by Brook Valley.

The Brook Valley Talks: IT and Digital Scene in South Africa – Part 2

The Brook Valley Talks: IT and Digital Scene in South Africa – Part 2

Brook Valley Online 2.0. “We are more than an extended workbench – that’s what sets us apart from other markets” In the last interview, we reported on the fact that a professional IT and digital scene has developed in South Africa, which German companies have not yet...

The Brook Valley Talks: IT and Digital Scene in South Africa

The Brook Valley Talks: IT and Digital Scene in South Africa

Excellent education according to the European model, nevertheless so far barely a relevant IT-partner for German companies.A professional IT and digital scene has developed in Johannesburg and Cape Town, with close connections to companies in the UK as well as the...

Outsourcing: How to transfer an IT department successfully

Outsourcing: How to transfer an IT department successfully

“Focusing on tomorrow, not today”.A team of more than 30 in-house SAP specialists is making a united transition from a German midsize company to its outsourcing specialist – and taking on its old employer as its first customer. Melina Brandstetter, Managing Partner of...